There Is No Earth B
There Is No Earth B

Yamuna Bank: Cleanup 235

Posted on by Tanisha Gulati
Yamuna Bank: Cleanup 235

“Most of the trash and waste doesn’t disappear. A monster or a black hole doesn’t eat it up! It ends up amidst the natural world, polluting and harming all aspects of life.

Most of the trash and waste doesn’t disappear. A monster or a black hole doesn’t eat it up! It ends up amidst the natural world, polluting and harming all aspects of life.

No matter what SOME people might make you believe, flying to Mars is not an option because THERE IS NO EARTH B!

Cleanup drives help in removing non-biodegradable waste from the banks of river Yamuna. It is the need of the hour. More people joining in would mean a larger and stronger impact.

The community ensures that there are gloves, sanitizers, first aid kits, plogging sticks, and snacks! It is a fun place to be at.

It was my first cleanup drive with @thereisnoearthb and honestly, everyone should JOIN IN.”

At cleanup #235 Shruti, Tanisha, Sania, and Dhrstadyumn removed 6.31kg of plastic and 8.78kg of other non-biodegradable waste.

The collection was handed to the Indian Pollution Control Association

Plastic: 6.31 kg

Other non-biodegradables: 8.78 kg

We've removed over 775.53 kg of non-biodegradable waste this year. Please consider supporting the cause so we can stay on track and reach our goals. 

The Earth is what we have in common :) You can also help us raise funds by sharing our work in your networks

Do join us next weekend!

Couldn't make it to the cleanup? Like, Share, and comment with your kind words for all those who did.

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Contrary to what some people will have you believe Flying to Mars is not an option. At cleanup 235 There Is No Earth B removed 6.31kg of plastic and 8.78kg of other non-biodegradable waste from Yamuna Bank