There Is No Earth B
Battling Climate Change

How to organize a cleanup drive?

by Rahul Kunte

You can host a clean-up drive on your own or as part of an organization.


The following points can be considered as part of your plan:

Step 1: Location

The first step is to identify a location(s) where you think a clean-up drive can be successfully organized.
Ideally, it should be easily accessible by public transport.
It is advisable to visit the location beforehand to scout the area and gauge the available amenities, waste disposal system, gathering point, etc.

Step 2: Clearance from local authorities

Different cities have different policies and tolerance levels to such citizen-organized events. Hence, checking with the local authorities and asking for permission guarantees a safe and hassle-free experience for the drive. Approach your local administrative body and politely ask for permission to conduct the event at the decided location(s).

Step 3: Equipment/Refreshments/Incentives

The budget available will decide what you can incorporate from most of this section.
Food, water, and equipment can be arranged for the volunteers. In general, the following tools are required as part of the equipment: reusable gloves, gunny bags to collect the waste, and a weighing scale to measure the waste collected.
To increase volunteer participation, you can incentivize their involvement with small tokens, gifts, travel allowance, etc.

Step 4: Volunteer mobilization

Once all the previous sections have been covered, you must focus on publicizing your event and drawing in lots of people.
Public outreach, like social media posts and posters, can help disseminate the information about your clean-up drive to a larger audience.
Preferably, maintain a list of prospective volunteers by asking them to fill out a google form. This will help in estimating the turnout and preparing the items from the previous section accordingly.

Step 4: Engagement

Now that you hopefully have everything in order, it is important to make the clean-up experience memorable for the volunteers. If possible, conduct an introductory ice-breaker to destress the participants and lighten the mood. Be responsible and address any raised concerns.
Conduct post clean-up activities like distribution of food etc.
Ask the volunteers for their feedback and consensually collect their contact information for future clean-ups.